I've been anticipating the visit so long, so keenly, that I made myself sick; headache, anxiety, tears, obsessive cleaning. Yet when he came down the walk, smiling, cool as a cucumber, I relaxed completely.
He was completely relaxed, though tired from traveling after a day that would have sent my anxiety meter soaring.
How did I get such a great -- thoughtful, calm, kind, sweet, easy-going -- son? What a blessing!
What else would get me to sit down and "blog"(a practice I dislike)?
Yet my sense of gratitude, of wonder, of love is so great that I must put proverbial pen to paper.
It's 8:45 Friday morning in Jerusalem, and I have not rushed off to the pool and the farmer's market, my usual pre-Shabbat routine. Instead, I sit outside and muse, because Michael's here.
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