The new place. The permanent place, the at least-two-years-with-an-option-to-renew place. It's two-level renovated place in the old building with the blue windows and door. Mine, for now.

You approach through a blue gate and amble down a walkway of Jerusalem stone to my blue door. Inside is peace and quiet and a mess, as I unpack my clothing and belongings. Rubber bands and plastic bags, the detritus of packing, are strewn everywhere.

Without ice trays, there's no ice for iced coffee, and due to some mechanical glitch, there is no hot water. There are ice cube trays at the hardware store just 3 blocks away* and the handyman has been summoned.
Tomorrow, I'm told, the new sofa arrives, so ulpan is delayed another day.
לאט לאט Slowly, slowly, as we say in Hebrew.

And, naturally, a postscript: Just met a neighbor on her way to a new apartment around the corner who explained why I heard Pharrell Williams "Happy" loud and clear both today and the day I first saw the apartment. It is used as the bell for the school around the corner. (To think, I was worried I had a bad neighbor.)
So glad to read about it. I'd also love to hear your deepest feelings.