Started the day dashing to Ulpan Morasha to have my Hebrew evaluated.
A day early, as it turned out.
But no problem. Places to go, forms to fill out; so, hand-in-hand with my best friend, google maps, I headed back to the Ministry of Absorption for formal intake with my Absorption counselor, Avigail, who told me about additional rights and benefits as well as additional forms and ministries that will require time and visits. Ah well. Onward and upward.
From there I fumbled my way to the nearest Macabbi Clinic, my kupat (HMO) of choice. So proud to have found the right place with the right paper in my hand, I accepted with a sigh the news that I needed to come back tomorrow to get myself in the system.
From there to the Central Bus Station to get a Senior Citizen mark on my Rav Kav card, entitling me to half price public transportation and all kinds of discounts. (In the U.S. 60 may be the new 50, but in Israel 60 makes you a senior citizen. Take the discount and run.)
A quick lunch followed by a return trip to the bank where I walked right in and told the banker I was there for checks and a credit card. "OK," she said. Ha!
Then, with a wee bit of anxiety, off to my new apartment for final lease signing, walk through, and what turned out to be a lovely exchange. With my realtor translating, my new landlord told me about the beautiful new sofa - with fold-out bed - he'd ordered, as well as his plans to make the apartment as beautiful and comfortable as possible.
After bussing back to my temporary digs, I got a phone call from the bank telling me MY MONEY HAD ARRIVED! YAY! HOORAY! YEE HAW!
I stepped outside on the balcony where my neighbor, folding laundry, told me about the dangerous drive to her in-laws and added, "It's dangerous here, too. Aren't you scared?"
And just like that, I was. I caught it like virus. My mood plunged and I stepped back inside to collect myself. I decided I had to go outside, so I walked purposefully to the Shuk to buy bananas. I did not want the fear to defeat me.
It didn't. I'm ok. I called a new friend who reminded me there is danger -- of different kinds -- everywhere. I was comforted and calmed.
And to return to my theme of Monday being so good to me, I finally got connected with the Internet company who will come to install it Wednesday morning.
Here is the hamsa above the door of my new home where I will be safe and protected.

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